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Essay on Drone Technology in India 1000 Words for Students

Essay on Drone Technology in English: If you want to write an essay about drone technology, then first of all you should know some important details about drone technology. In this article, we will know how to write an essay on drone technology. That is why if you want to write a good essay on drone technology, then you must read this article till the end.

After reading this article about Essay on Drone Technology in India, you will be able to answer all important questions related to it. CBSE Digital Education provides all the information regarding the Drone Technology Essay in English.

Essay on Drone Technology in English

This long essay on Drone Technology is beneficial For School Students, Competition aspirants, SSC CGL CHSL MTS, High Court, and UPSC Exam.

No country can imagine reaching the summit without the development of science and technology. Any invention in the field of science brings revolutionary changes in human life. In this context, the development of drone technology at present has played an important role in India along with the whole world. Today drone technology is being used not only in the strategic field but in various fields of life.

Essay on Drone Technology

Drone Technology is rapidly growing in popularity and has broken down hard traditional barriers across industries. Over the years, drones have become central to the functioning of various businesses and government organizations. From scanning an inaccessible location or military base to monitoring an area or multiple areas, drones are proving to be extremely beneficial.

Meaning of Drone

Unmanned aircraft are known as drones. It is a small remotely operated aircraft. In the true sense, it is a robot that can fly. The Hindi meaning of drone is a male bee and it has got this name because of its flying. It flies like a bee and can hover even while remaining stationary in one place. Drones are generally used in inaccessible places, where humans cannot easily reach.

What is Drone Technology?

Drones are Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or Remotely Piloted Aerial Systems (RPAS) that are controlled either by a pilot on the ground or with the help of technology. This radio-focused toy can be as small as a helicopter or as big as a global falcon.

Drones are playing a vital role in the fight against the Coronavirus pandemic by supporting activities carried out by police, healthcare, and municipal authorities in monitoring and enforcing lockdowns, surveying, and mapping, spraying disinfectants, etc.

Types of Drones Technology

The Directorate General of Civil Aviation of India has prescribed five main types of drones.

  1. Nano Drone: It weighs up to 250 grams.
  2. Micro Drone: It weighs more than 250 grams but less than 2 kg.
  3. Small Drone: It weighs more than 2kg but less than 25kg.
  4. Medium Drone: It weighs more than 25kg but less than 150kg.
  5. Large Drone: It weighs more than 150 kg.

Development of Drone Technology

The concept of drones can be dated back to 1849 when Austria attacked Venice using an unmanned balloon filled with explosives. Later in 1916, Great Britain developed the first pilotless winged aircraft, the Ruston Proctor Aerial Target. In 1935, the British developed the ‘Queen Bee’, a radio-controlled target drone.

Although created for military purposes, drones have seen rapid development and progress. Today this drone technology has evolved into various forms and is widely used in defence, commercial aerial surveillance, journalism, crowd management, e-commerce, and search and rescue operations.

Disadvantages of Using Drone Technology

  • Criminals and extremists can commit major crimes through drones, such as dropping explosives in a safe area, transporting illegal goods inside the prison, attacking with biological weapons, etc.
  • If the drone is found by anti-social elements, then it can not only spy through it but can also attack if needed.
  • A drone is a machine, which it can be easily hacked like other machines. A hacker can attack its control system and damage it, as well as get confidential information.
  • The International Air Transport Association has recognized drones as a threat to airspace and called for wider consultations to ensure their associated safety.

Drone Technology in India

Given the complex security challenges facing India, the role of UAVs in providing critical intelligence will play a vital role not only in effectively fighting wars but also in preventing cross-border terrorist attacks in India. The UAVs of the Indian Armed Forces are Nishant, Rustom, UAV Panchi, and Aura.

Although many countries are working individually/jointly to develop an advanced drone industry, currently the United States, Israel, and China are the market leaders.

Applications of Drone Technology

  • In the agriculture sector, today farmers in different countries of the world are monitoring crops and spraying medicines through drones. Thus, it can be said that the use of drones is also being revolutionized in the field of agriculture.
  • Drone Technology is typically used in situations where manned flight is considered too risky or difficult. A typical unmanned aircraft is made of a lightweight composite material to reduce weight and increase its maneuverability. The strength of this composite material allows military drones to cruise at extreme altitudes and thus proves to be very beneficial in the defence system of the country.
  • In the home delivery of goods, currently, companies like Google and Amazon are preparing to do home delivery of goods by drone. Amazon has also filed a patent for the deployment of drones in India.
  • Drone technology is also being used in the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan to make the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan a success. Drones are being used to monitor open defecation near rivers and ponds in Telangana’s Karimnagar.
  • Drones are being used for relief and rescue during floods, earthquakes, etc. The pictures of the devastating earthquake that hit Nepal in April 2015 were taken by drone.

Conclusion about Drone Technology

Drone technology is constantly evolving, so the drone technology of the future is currently undergoing progressive improvements. There are many benefits of using a drone. All over the world, innovators and scientific researchers are coming together to find new ways to use drones to fight the COVID-19 Pandemic.

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My Name is Mukesh Kumar. I am a Teacher, Blogger, Educational Content Writer, and Founder of CBSE Digital Education.

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